June 11, 2015

Veterans’ Affairs Committee Ranking Member Corrine Brown Statement on Denver VA Medical Center

Washignton D.C.- House Veterans Affairs Ranking Member Corrine Brown made the following statement:

“Although Congress continues to provide short term solutions, we need to find a permanent, long term solution as soon as possible to complete the Denver VA Hospital. When the health and well-being of our veterans is at stake, we must put politics aside and unite to get the job done.  It is not fair to veterans who have served our country valiantly and need access to a health care facility close by to pull the plug on a project that is desperately needed by Denver area veterans. 

“The problems with the Denver facility did not pop-up overnight.  In fact, this project has been plagued with issues and politics for over a decade, and several VA Secretaries have been involved – from both parties.  We cannot in good conscience put the Denver facility on the back burner.  Certainly, the situation we find ourselves in is not the fault of the veterans who are served by the Denver facility, and they deserve better than this.

“I have been working with other Members to locate funding to complete the Denver project. We cannot punish our veterans for the actions of past administrations.  Certainly, all of our veterans deserve access to quality care, and I remain dedicated to working with my colleagues on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee and the Appropriators to find a permanent solution to complete this hospital, which will greatly benefit the Eastern Colorado health care system.  I strongly stand with the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) who have told Congress ‘we strongly urge you to find an immediate way forward that will keep the Aurora Colorado Medical Center building project funded and under construction with no further delays.’”